Church Leadership

Welcome to our new Lead Pastor Louie Pantelis and his wife Angie!

About Pastor Louie:

As the lead pastor at Grace Chapel Community Church in Worland, Wyoming, Louie is engaged in making more and better disciples.  He shares this great adventure with his wife Angie (32 years of marital bliss).  They have two adult sons.  Tony is an aviation specialist working in Sarasota, Florida.  Augustus (Augie) is living his childhood dream as he serves in the U.S. Army as a reservist and in Worland as a patrol officer.  Beyond ministry Louie and Angie love to camp, fish, and star gaze as amateur astronomers. 

Louie earned his bachelor’s degree in Church Ministry at Warner Southern University and his master’s in Leadership at Mid-America Christian College. He is a member of the International Honor Society, the fraternity of Sigma Beta Delta. 
Pastor Louie Pantelis Contact Information
Phone: 307-431-6356

Faircrest Church of God | 3151Faircrest St. SW Canton, OH, 44706

Laura Dawson
Office Hours:
Tuesday & Friday
Jessica Hunt
Office Secretary 
Office Hours: 
Monday, Wednesday & Thursday

9:00 am- 3:00 pm


Laura Osborne

Youth & Children Program Leader
Dave Bridenstine
Choir Director