Prayer Warriors
Prayer cannot be overestimated. Prayer moves the hand of God. Eleventh Street Church of God is a body of believer’s dependent upon prayer and committed to God’s sovereignty. With the use of Flocknote we are able to send out your prayer requests to our group of prayer warriors by text or call. You can call the church office Monday, Wednesday & Thursday 9:00 am-3:00 pm or leave a message on our answering machine. You may also send a prayer request via our contact page. As always if you have a death in the family or someone in the hospital, please call the church office at 330-453-8568 or Pastor Louise at 330-447-4475.

The Eleventh Street Church of God collects non-parish-able food items and financial donations towards our Benevolence fund year-round to help our congregation and surrounding community. Please make the time to donate towards our food cupboard all year and especially a few weeks before the Holidays. Those we help, those in need, appreciate your gift of food.

The primary function of the hospitality committee is to provide and serve dinners for families and friends of who’s loved ones has passed away. It is a service that the families find helpful and comforting. They can meet and talk in a friendly environment without being rushed. If you are able to help bake a pie or cake, potatoes or beans, giving of time to do dishes, helping serve and set tables please call the Church office at 330-453-8568.